Introduction: Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." Create an enthusiastic team that has everyone focused on the same target and 'watch out'. It is powerful and something that you will remember forever.
This publication goes to the heart of empowering technical resources so they feel good about what they do. Nothing feels more rewarding than when your company and client tells your team that they are doing an excellent job.
Table of Contents Introduction I. Have You assessed Your Staff ? II. What Motivates Them ? A. Individually B. Teams or sub-units III. Setting Goals and Objectives - The Vision A. IT Organization B. IT Departments C. IT Teams D. IT Staff IV. Quantifying Projects - The Road Map V. Identifying Individual Focus VI. Tap Into the Leaders of Your Organization VII. Take Advantage of Strengths and Develop Strength and Depth VIII. Empowerment is KEY !! IX. Always Reinforce TEAM X. Share Victories and Defeats XI. Appreciate Their Work XII. Have Fun XIII. Reward Desired Behavior XIV. Reward Accomplishments XV. Communication is a Two-Way Street XVI. Always Have an Open Door XVII. Motivating in a "Down Economy"
APPENDIX A. Employee Skills and Experience Matrix B. Education and Training Needs